Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载能力; 允许承载能力; 轴承的许用负载; 容许承载力; 许可承载重; 许可轴承承压能力; 许可负载量
Allowable Bearing Capacity of Foundation 地基承载力; 地基容许承载力[R]; 地基容许承载力
allowable carrying capacity 允许载流量
allowable current-carrying capacity 允许载流量
Allowable Exploitation Capacity 允许开采量
allowable machine capacity 容许机器生产率
Allowable Permitted Assimilative Capacity 纳污能力; 光纤参量放大器(FOPA)
allowable subgrade bearing capacity 容许承载力
lateral allowable bearing capacity 侧向容许承载力
maximum allowable weight capacity 最大容许i搬重量
the Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载力
vertical allowable load capacity of single pile 深基础单桩竖向抗压极限承载力
capacity obligations and installed capacity market 容量责任和装机容量模式
capacity of shear resistance or cross-section of shear resistance capacity 抗剪承载力
designated staff capacity and designated post capacity 定编定岗
Flexible routing and highest capacity specially for capacity layer 灵活的路由功能以及超大容量对应于不同的网络层
Passenger Capacity and Maximum Loading Capacity 乘员定员及最大载重量
Ratio of potentio-charge capacity to galvano-charge capacity 恒压-恒流充电容量比
reversible capacity and irreversible capacity 可逆容量及不可逆容量